Lenz & Staehelin

Lenz & Staehelin's competencies (Lawfirms' directories)

Practice Area Jurisdiction Rank Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Last Quarter
Real EstateSWITZERLAND2169546905
Dispute ResolutionSWITZERLAND22035002
Equity Capital MarketsSWITZERLAND31630045735
Corporate M&ASWITZERLAND315030164829
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisorySWITZERLAND3565040506
Competition LawSWITZERLAND3500526179
Commercial LawSWITZERLAND67017632
Tax FinanceSWITZERLAND7250751
Debt Capital MarketsSWITZERLAND830042422
Practice Area Jurisdiction Rank Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Last Quarter

Client Reviews

Client Reviews provides a qualitative rating based on Partners' Clients feedback assessment

Communication Skills

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Technical skills

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Perceived Added Value

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Ranking 2022: Lenz & Staehelin

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Competition LawSWITZERLAND492027568
Corporate M&ASWITZERLAND13980166326
Debt Capital MarketsSWITZERLAND30042422
Dispute ResolutionSWITZERLAND27035003
Equity Capital MarketsSWITZERLAND1631538196
Real EstateSWITZERLAND160056504
Tax FinanceSWITZERLAND250751
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisorySWITZERLAND565040506
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Ranking 2021: Lenz & Staehelin

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Commercial LawSWITZERLAND35057632
Competition LawSWITZERLAND1106531737
Corporate M&ASWITZERLAND26570234830
Dispute ResolutionSWITZERLAND662033756
Equity Capital MarketsSWITZERLAND11505378612
Executive CompensationSWITZERLAND250542502
Life Science & Health CareSWITZERLAND950251
Public LawSWITZERLAND152501
Real EstateSWITZERLAND952501
Restructuring & InsolvencySWITZERLAND250035001
Tax CorporateSWITZERLAND550001
Tax FinanceSWITZERLAND250035001
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisorySWITZERLAND2050146810
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Ranking 2020: Lenz & Staehelin

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Competition LawSWITZERLAND242533978
Corporate M&ASWITZERLAND20030317029
Debt Capital MarketsSWITZERLAND450045003
Dispute ResolutionSWITZERLAND684550004
Energy & InfrastructuresSWITZERLAND75100001
Equity Capital MarketsSWITZERLAND1229533555
Real EstateSWITZERLAND105523673
Restructuring & InsolvencySWITZERLAND645067502
Tax FinanceSWITZERLAND1550001
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisorySWITZERLAND485014676
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Significant Clients

The chart shows a balanced list of the Lenz & Staehelin's client portfolio - based on PBV Monitor's Analyzed Transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The chart shows a balanced list of Lenz & Staehelin partners - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The Chart shows a balanced list of Lenz & Staehelin's Co-Counsel Law Firm - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The Chart shows a balanced list of Lenz & Staehelin's other Firms involved - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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Peer Reviews

The Peer Reviews provides a qualitative rating based on Counterparts / Referees' feedback assessment

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