Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP's competencies (Lawfirms' directories)

Practice Area Jurisdiction Rank Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Last Quarter
Compliance & RegulatoryITALY1150058751
Criminal LawITALY13150058751
Corporate M&AITALY27167520405
Tax DisputeITALY96211752
Independent Directors & Statutory AuditorsITALY11051381
Practice Area Jurisdiction Rank Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Last Quarter

Client Reviews

Client Reviews provides a qualitative rating based on Partners' Clients feedback assessment

Communication Skills

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Technical skills

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Perceived Added Value

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Ranking 2022: Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Compliance & RegulatoryITALY300079382
Corporate M&AITALY167025444
Criminal LawITALY150058751
Dispute ResolutionITALY150557502
Independent Directors & Statutory AuditorsITALY51381
Tax DisputeITALY211752
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Ranking 2021: Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Compliance & RegulatoryITALY1535001
Corporate M&AITALY5255180412
Debt Capital MarketsITALY130015002
Dispute ResolutionITALY19517632
Equity Capital MarketsITALY958501
Investment Fund - Assets ManagementITALY550001
Restructuring & InsolvencyITALY239551310
Tax FinanceITALY1025382
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisoryITALY4506001
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Ranking 2020: Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Competition LawITALY3553132
Compliance & RegulatoryITALY535001
Corporate M&AITALY70011355
Debt Capital MarketsITALY15050001
Dispute ResolutionITALY18033333
Independent Directors & Statutory AuditorsITALY52501
Public LawITALY3506001
Restructuring & InsolvencyITALY150751
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Significant Clients

The chart shows a balanced list of the Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP's client portfolio - based on PBV Monitor's Analyzed Transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The chart shows a balanced list of Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP partners - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The Chart shows a balanced list of Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP's Co-Counsel Law Firm - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The Chart shows a balanced list of Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP's other Firms involved - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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Peer Reviews

The Peer Reviews provides a qualitative rating based on Counterparts / Referees' feedback assessment

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